Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Baron Weirwulf! No, that's his name! Really! And his library is haunted! No Foolin'!

In the 70's, the arrival of Nick Cuti at the Big C was a MAJOR re-vamp of the horror line. New titles and new hosts. The best of the new lot (in terms of the use put to) was the Baron and his great little one pagers...... Over at Warren, Creepy's Loathesome Lore was pretty good, but some of these one-pagers by Don Newton are just great!

For a while, HAUNTED was one of the BEST horror anthology comic books on the market at that time. Way better than anything DC was doing in the anthology books, and Marvel was just doing all those reprints....

Unfortunately, as time went on, the "reprint rot" set in......

But for about a year or so........
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